With the arrival of spring, it’s high time to focus on your landscape, but you don’t have to shoulder all the work. We’re here to simplify your life by assisting with perennial gardens, shrub trimming, grub removal, and overall bed maintenance. As you savor the beauty of the season, consider the benefits of renewing your contract with us for excellent service tailored to your specific needs!

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Tom Grosh
Founder / Owner
Grosh’s Lawn Service
Lawncare Corner
Book Grub Treatments

Have you considered booking your spring grub-preventer service? While your lawn may appear lush initially, without protection, it could face serious issues from grubs later in the summer. Grubs are drawn to thick grass and robust root systems, using them as organic matter to feed on after hatching. Don’t wait for potential lawn damage; reach out to Karen and Tom Grosh today to eliminate grubs before they become a threat.
Landscape Spotlight
Why Mulch?
Mulching offers a range of benefits for gardens and landscapes. It conserves soil moisture, regulates temperature, and suppresses weed growth. As organic mulches break down, they enrich the soil with nutrients. Mulch also serves as an effective erosion deterrent. Beyond these advantages, the aesthetic enhancement provided by mulch significantly boosts the curb appeal of homes and businesses, creating a well-maintained and attractive outdoor space. Contact us soon to schedule your mulching appointment!
Remove That Ivy

As the temperature rises, so does the growth and spread of Poison Ivy. The age-old advice of “leaves of three, let it be” applies to these plants with three prominent leaflets that can lead to various health issues. If you have this troublesome plant on your property, reach out to us promptly for assistance in its removal!
Get Your Annuals

Ready to transform your outdoor space into a blooming haven? Annual flower beds offer a burst of vibrant colors and textures that last all season. Whether you’re looking to refresh existing flower beds or create new ones, our team at Grosh’s Lawn Service is here to bring your floral vision to life. Take the first step towards a stunning garden by scheduling an annual flower garden consultation now. Reach out to Karen and Tom Grosh via email at Tom@GroshsLawnService.com.